
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kitchen Cleanup: Chicken Penne in White Wine Sauce with Grapefruit and Dill

I love having all of these yummy spare ingredients lying around - and today's lunch was no exception. I just mixed and mingled various ingredients until they tasted right, so proportion as you please. The grapefruit was a serendipitous choice -- we were out of lemon, and lime seemed too harsh. The end result was yummy though -- simple and just different enough to keep things interesting. Cory doesn't like grapefruit and still went back for seconds!

Chicken Penne in White Wine Sauce with Grapefruit and Dill

1 T butter
1 onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1 large chicken breast, boiled and cubed
1 c white wine
1.5 c whole wheat penne, cooked
1 T crushed red pepper flakes
juice from 1/2 grapefruit
1/4 c fresh dill, chopped
cayenne, salt, and pepper to taste

Melt butter in large pan over medium heat. Once hot, saute onion and garlic until translucent. Add chicken and penne, heat through, then add 1 c white wine and EVOO and reduce. Add red pepper, dill, grapefruit juice, S, P, & C. Play with proportions until you are pleased, then enjoy with shaved Parmesan!


  1. Here's a proposal: you give up on the whole cutting up & eating animal flesh thing, and I'll come live on your couch and just eat all the time.

  2. hahaha deal!! we'll get to the vegetarian indian and mediterranean dishes soon, don't you worry :)
